星期五, 1月 13, 2006

元月閒話, 閒話到此

「在我心中, 你們第一」,不是「到此一遊」的無心,也非「階段任務結束」的休憩;更沒有「過客」的心態!在So-net的時時刻刻,對我而言都是豐富而飽滿的生命歷練,它是「蛹破繭,蟲化蝶」的心情結晶。
「Deep in my heart, You are always Number one and Only one」; This is not a transit lounge, yet a mission completion, I learn and grow every minute in the big family; although it’s time to say good-bye, but to me, the friendship I received will be the tattoo in my memory and I will never forget the sweat and tears we shed together.
「Moment of Truth」 is what I feel now, it aren’t easy to freeze my emotion, as I am a person who indulgence with my emotion.「Eternally 」is a life-long commitment and should not be express so simply, but I will keep the faith between us and wish the passion and love we valued will then transform to the true believes in the world.
It isn’t heard to start something, but it take effort to finish something successfully; by the end of this chapter, let me share 2 lines with you, the lines which encourage me all the time, even in the dark: 「Don’t let go of yourself so easily; Can’t believe that you couldn’t do it.」
「Freedom will never be free, But you have every right to pursue , I am only a few steps ahead, and I know your heart follows even though your body stiff. 」

星期三, 1月 11, 2006


「新年新希望,新春新氣象」! 多年前的某個剎那,我靈光乍現,決定要在每年年終撰寫「新年新計劃」( New Year Mandatory )。這個重拾幼時教育系統作業的構想,主要的著眼在捏碎我的惰性。我期待一種制約反應的投射,或自我監督系統的架構,會不自覺地將「權利」和「義務」交換,讓「非關己事」的散漫轉變為「事事關己」的嚴謹。「Responsibility」 是別人加諸己身的,有枷鎖感。「Accountabililty」則是自發的意識,有成就感! 從此以後這個「新年新希望」計劃清單列的洋洋灑灑, 其項目與內容之繁瑣及失焦,絕非主張邏輯 / 系統及聚焦的我所習慣的。倒像是生命倒數的365天,我焦急而慌張的想以「完成」「經驗」來減低「後悔」「懊惱」。
而在生活上我則是儘量奉行「減法」!這是「思考需要;消弭想要」的實踐。並非悲天憫人的大愛胸襟,地球上的確仍有五分之一,,12億的人口每天的生活費少於1元美金,我們不該在消費主張的時代,耗擲資源,忽略了這五分之一每天必需過著真實的生存挑戰「辛苦人」( 雖然我們並不見得比他們快樂 ),「不患寡而患不均」的時代,社會問題的流動方向勢必朝「媒體焦點」,「製造不安」,「引起話題」行進,每個地球人皆得承接移動中的外部效應,譬如恐怖行動。身為世界公民,我們的少浪費,就是他們的真福氣!
「狗來旺」,年還有幾天就來敲門,您要不要試一試給自己的新氣象撰寫一份「行動承諾書」? For Doing Good, not necessary Doing Right.