星期一, 7月 04, 2005

七月閒話 – 捨不得

「Goodbye seems to be the hardest word」; in the old Chinese saying, to describe an ending of relationship or farewell to good friends, we use the metaphor「All the Good Party will come to an end 」 「Ending of Good Party」 -the saying not only describe the sad feeling it occurs, but it also contains with a 「 Moment of Truth;Reducing the Sadness 」ambition.
今天用這句話開場,設定這個主題,也就是要表達對江尻營運長完成So-net Taiwan創建艱鉅任務後,離開台灣,返回東京Sony集團履新的依依不捨;江尻營運長在2001年元月1号正式到 So-net Taiwan 籌備辦公室任職;在這之前,他和 So-net 海外發展規劃小組的核心成員花了超過一年的功夫,對台灣網際網路相関服務商機和市場,做了深入而完善的調查,決定以「營收 / 獲利」模式確定的「網路接取服務( Access / Internet Service Provider )」出發,,在台灣實踐 Sony 創新 / 創造的精神。
To open July CEO chat with this Chinese Classic Saying, is to show my hard feeling toward the leaving of Ejiri-san, who accomplished his task in building So-net Taiwan for the past 4 and half yeas, and now it's time for him to fly and pursuing new adventure in Sony Corp.,
Ejiri-san reported to his duty on Jan. 1st 2001 ,working at the preparation office located inside Sony Taiwan then. Year before this assignment, Ejiri-san together with core Globalization Task team members working day and night in developing the So-net global business, by conducting countless research and survey, they make the decision of making Access business as the token to develop Internet Business in Taiwan, as by 2001 , Access is a proven model in both revenue and profit, so the company was set followed the Sony spirit of " Creative and Innovative" and lead by Ejiri-san since.
這四年多年,我沒有看到 Ejiri-san 一天的倦容,也沒有感受他曾經放棄過任何「正確的堅持」;「大處着眼,小處着手;真心服務,盡心盡心」這幾句形容語放在他身上,是絲毫也沒錯;他小心謹慎地帶領 So-net 團隊,完成一個又一個任務,「挑戰更高,更險峻的山峰」似乎是 Ejiri-san的使命宣言,而他的奮力而為,也留下了無法抹滅的足跡-- 公司籌組,招募訓練,直營店拓展,Sony 硬體結合,Sony 客服中心及IDC規劃,Dreamix / So-net Plaza 門市創建,纏鬥電信龍頭節拮成本,創造單月損益平衡,台灣ISP前三大,電總評鑑最優,FY04全年獲利,辦公室擴大,新事業體規劃,培育新血,建立制度,深植「優質寬頻,真心服務」文化成份……這些處處可見的貢獻都是江尻營運長不眠不休的耕耘所帶來的成果,這些足跡也拼湊出 So-net Taiwan 成長的軌跡。
For the past 4 years,. there's never been a day that I saw him looks tired, and there’s never been a chance that I smell his giving up to the 「Correct Insistence」he believe; Prudentially and carefully leading the So-net team, achieving tasks and missions one by one;
「 Looking from the High View and Working at the Humble Beginning, Sincerity with all his hearts 」 will never be the best description to his personality and charisma. 「Never Stop Challenging the higher mountains」 seems to be his mission statement , even an intangible tattoo in Ejiri-san’s mind。he tried his best and perform his best leave the unforgettable tracks / treasures and milestones to us which include : Company set up, Training and growing people, Direct Shop developing, Corporation with HW divisions; Initiative Sony Call Center and IDC service, Establishment of the first Sony direct shop - from Dreamix to So-net Plaza; Fighting with CHT and win tremendous cost saving, Achieving Single month BE, Accomplish Annual BE in FY04, Evaluation by DGT as the best ISP in Taiwan; Expend the office and new business… etc. The contributions and efforts he made are not only the path he walked by, but also seeds very growth of So-net Taiwan today.
這一千五百多個日子,我也看到一位傑出領袖的成長,成熟與改變,英國前首相邱吉爾爵士( Winston Churchill ) 曾說:「改進來自改變;完美來自不斷地改變」,我也同時在江尻營運長身上找到這特質,一個願意改變 / 改造自己的人,永遠看得清目標與方向,在此我也要借諾貝爾文學獎得主紀德 ( Andre Gide )的一句話來註解我所認識的 Ejiri-san,那就是「若是沒有看不到海岸的勇氣,就不會發現新的海洋」,Ejiri-san 愛海,曾經是日本風帆船代表隊選手,也告訴過我, 50歲他就要退休;Ejiri-san 在台灣戒煙成功,減重成功,戀上清境,迷上拉拉山,是個很像日本人的台灣人,我們希望他的退休計劃也包含了重返他的愛戀之地 – 臺灣。
The 1500 days were gone, I am lucky to witness the growth and maturity of a leader; to quote from former Prime Minister Sir. Winston Churchill : 「Change makes improvement, Perfect come from the consistent and endless changes」; I also like to cite the following line by the Nobel Literature Winner Andre Gide, he said :「Without the courage of not seeing the seashore, there won't be a chance to discover new ocean.」Ejiri-san is the man discover new oceans and he will continue to do so, Ejiri-san love sea, used to be the professional athlete in water related sport activity and who told me his plan is to retire at the age of 50 , he quit smoking in Taipei, successfully reduce weight for 15 kg. Love the puli wild mellow in Central Taiwan and obsession about La La mountain in Northern Taiwan, To us, he is more than a Taiwanese to Taiwanese, I wish his retiring plan include the retune to his land of love - Taiwan.
So-net Taiwan 的成功與發展是不能短缺這任何一項特質,我希望這些特質與價值的轉化,也能在繼續打拼的 So-netter 身上發揚光大,讓它成為 DNA, 成為痼癖,成為習性。
It's hard for me to let him go, as I am afraid his leaving will make us losing a colleague who always「 honest to his feeling and doing the right thing right」; It's hard to let him go, as I am afraid I may lost「 the person who equip with the best execution mentality among all」; It's hard to let him go as I am afraid we may lost 「a great mind who always think before leap」; It's hard to let him go as I am afraid his 「putting company first attitude 」will only exist when he physically stay with us; It's hard to let him go as this is so hard to find a person , a co-worker, a campaign who 「share the same goal and same mind 100 perfectly match」. and those elements Ejiri-san equipped are the success formula to sustain our business, to secure our growth; I wish it can be transferred and to shower with all the existing So-netter, make it the DNA of us, make it an obsession to our life and make it a habit for success.
我依依不捨,卻也開心於Ejiri-san的離去,因為只有在他不再陪我們的日子,才會知道失去他的大損失;因為只有在他不再盯我們的日子,才會明暸沒有他是多麼遺憾。請珍惜這20天的短暫機會,表達您對 Ejiri-san 最直接的感情。
It's hard to say good bye, but only when Ejiri-san is no longer with us, we will understand how important he is ;and only in the days without his monitoring and checking, we can really examine the great lost we may encountered; it's limited time to show your feeling to this respected person, please express it to him directly, with all your heart, with all your feeling, with all your love.
我真的好捨不得!曲終,但人不散,相信有那麼一天,Ejiri-san將回來看大家,在那棵他曾經灌溉,呵護的 So-net 巨木下乘蔭。
It's so hard to say good bye, I know even the party is over, the friendship stays, it grow and grow. I wish one day, when Ejiri-san return to see us,he may enjoy the shadow under the Giant Tree of So-net Taiwan, who he once watering and caring.



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